Find a FriendPeople that like to 'smoke and poke' enjoy smoking marijuana before having sex. There are scientific studies and surveys that suggest smoking marijuana before sex can increase sex drive and improve orgasm.
No other site comes close to our customer support. We have a 24/7 team that can be reached by phone, IM or email. Yes you read that right. You can call us 24/7.
We have the most dedicated team of agents to keep our users safe. Great pride is taken to keep only real users on our site everyday. In addition NO fake profiles are created like some other sites do.
Secured by Lets Encrypt, the industry leader. Private profile options and secure transactions. Customer safety is our top priority.
With cannabis legal in 37 states and a worldwide increase in legalization, smoke and poke dating was made as a fun and easy personals for pot smokers. Smokeandpoke.com has a 3 step signup process and great features like video chat, direct messaging and picture and video galleries. These items make it the best cannabis dating site for meeting like minded individuals.
Smokeandpoke's clean design is very simple to use, something you really will appreciate after a couple of bong rips. The match game allows you to easily swipe to find members in your area. Whether you want to video chat and hang out online, or meet up in the real world, you can do this with just a few quick flicks from your finger. With our advanced search you can specify the exact kind of person you are looking for. Search by age, height, eye color, location, there is nothing you can’t dial in on.
If you are not comfortable being on a dating site, or you don’t want your friends or family to see that you are a stoner, Smokeandpoke.com provides the option of setting up a discrete profile. Which allows your content to be hidden from anyone who is not your friend.
One of the things we are most proud of at Smoke and Poke is our 24/7 customer service. We are available by phone, IM and email. Your safety and security are our main goal of the website. Any issues with the site or other members will be addressed and rectified by an agent right away. All profiles are checked for scammers and agents trained to identify fake profiles that maybe trying to cramp your style.
Don’t forget to check out Smokeandpoke.com/blog the leading resource for cannabis related information on marijuana’s effects on sex, sex drive, and personal relationships.