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In total, 64% of 373 participants surveyed reported using marijuana before sex, with most noting increases in sex drive, improved orgasm, and decreased pain. Those using marijuana before sex had 28.13% higher odds of reporting a satisfactory orgasm compared with abstainers.
Source: Journal of Sex and Cannabis Medicine


Do you enjoy sex after smoking?


Sex therapist Lawrence Siegel noted that in particular, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol – the cannabinoid THC – appears to target a part of our brain associated with sexual arousal, at least in females.
Source: CNF Health


Are you more aroused after smoking?


One of the more shocking facts about the effects of marijuana on sex is the fact that it's not totally set in stone. Different people will react differently to smoking (or eating) a good stash before they get it on.


Would you say you're more aroused after eating edibles?


According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, thirty-eight women (29%) disclosed consuming cannabis prior to copulation. Of those 38 women, 68 percent reported more pleasurable sex, 16% said it ruined their sexual experience, while the remaining 16% were undecided or unaware.


What strain is your favorite to to have sex on?